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25 years of experience, spent in communication and publishing, before joining one of the most relevant insurance and finance multinational companies in the world. His last ...
25 years of experience, spent in communication and publishing, before joining one of the most relevant insurance and finance multinational companies in the world. His ...
Roma, Italia - Executive Consultant and Headhunter at SAM Italy [email protected] il profilo professionale (Italia) di Emanuele P. Fougier su LinkedIn. LinkedIn è la rete professionale più grande del mondo che i professionisti ...
Visualizza i profili dei professionisti su LinkedIn il cui cognome è Fougier ...
Sono presenti 25 professionisti che si chiamano P che si trovano in Italia ...
Emanuele P. Fougier (epfougier) is on Twitter. Sign up for Twitter to follow Emanuele P. Fougier (epfougier) and get their latest updates.
Twitter is without a doubt the best way to share and discover what is ...
Vito Lattanzi (Vlattanz) is on Twitter. Sign up for Twitter to follow Vito ...
sandro marini (sandromarini) is on Twitter. Sign up for Twitter to follow ...
2 post - 1 autore - Ultimo post: 25 gen 2003"Emanuele Fougier" <fougier@...>, "Diego Vigorita" <dvigorita@...>, "Diana Perfetti" <dperfetti@...>, "Cecilia Brasolin" <cbrasolin@...>, ...
Pramerica (Public Company; 201-500 employees; Insurance industry): Sales Manager, (January 2006-December 2007)
Pramerica (Public Company; 201-500 employees; Insurance...