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Philippe Hauchecorne (1907 - 1976) Heimar Fischer-Gaaden E Egidio Costantini ... il pesce Alberto Lanteri
Gottfried August Bürger (1747-1794) was one of the most important poets of the Sturm und Drang. His most famous works are the ballads "Lenore" and "Der wilde Jäger", and the ...
Mantova, per l'Erede di Alberto Pazzoni, 1779. 120,00 Cm. 21,8, cart. rust ... Abbè HAUCHECORNE. Vie de Michel-Ange Buonarroti, peintre, sculpteur et architecte ...
LAIT Libri antichi in Toscana 1501-1885 Catalogo cumulato di edizioni antiche conservate in biblioteche toscane
http://cinema-tv.corriere.it/personaggi/alberto-papapietro/15_39_27.shtml. http://cinema-tv.corriere.it/personaggi/selene-scannapieco/15_39_28.shtml
Philippe Hauchecorne (1907 - 1976) Heimar Fischer-Gaaden E Egidio Costantini ... il pesce Alberto Lanteri
Gottfried August Bürger (1747-1794) was one of the most important poets of the Sturm und Drang. His most famous works are the ballads "Lenore" and "Der wilde Jäger ...
Mantova, per l'Erede di Alberto Pazzoni, 1779. 120,00 Cm. 21,8, cart. rust ... Abbè HAUCHECORNE. Vie de Michel-Ange Buonarroti, peintre, sculpteur et ...