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Designer and Developer of architectural solution. Application Developer and Relational Database Designer. Specializzazioni: Software architecture, MVC Paradigm Java, Struts ...
Area Sistemi Informativi. Resp. Diego Tundo. email: d.tundo [at] asproma.it . Area Servizi e Logistica. Resp. Sandro Bizzarri. email: s.bizzarri [at] asproma.it
Designer and Developer of architectural solution. Application Developer and Relational Database Designer. Specializzazioni: Software architecture, MVC Paradigm Java ...
Area Sistemi Informativi. Resp. Diego Tundo. email: d.tundo [at] asproma.it . Area Servizi e Logistica. Resp. Sandro Bizzarri. email: s.bizzarri [at] asproma.it